Celebrities In kate spade new york

 TARAJI P. HENSON wore the kate spade new york embellished wool blazer and pants in black and carrying the nouveau small shoulder bag in black to her appearance on Good Morning America in New York, NY.  

JOEY KING carried the kate spade new york sam icon leather mini tote in white for press for “A Family Affair” in Los Angeles, CA.


Since its launch in 1993 with a collection of six essential handbags, Kate Spade New York has always stood for color, wit, optimism, and femininity. Today, it is a global lifestyle brand synonymous with joy, delivering seasonal collections of handbags, ready-to-wear, jewelry, footwear, gifts, home décor and more. Known for its rich heritage and unique brand DNA, Kate Spade New York offers a distinctive point of view, and celebrates communities of women around the globe who live their perfectly imperfect lifestyles. Kate Spade New York is part of the Tapestry house of brands. Our Deluxe Editions with French flaps and deckled edges, to our collectible hardcovers, there is a Penguin Classic for every reader.

In the Philippines, Kate Spade New York is exclusively distributed by Stores Specialists, Inc., and is located at Central Square in Bonifacio High Street Central, Greenbelt 5, Power Plant Mall, Rustan’s Makati, Shangri-La Plaza, and Rustan’s Cebu. Visit facebook.com/katespadenewyork.philippines and www.ssilife.com.ph or follow @ssilifeph on Instagram for more information.

About SSI Group, Inc.:

The SSI Group is the Philippines’ largest specialty retailer, with an established brand portfolio that includes some of the world’s most recognized international brands. We lead the country’s specialty retail market through the size and breadth of our brand portfolio and store network, with 94 brands and 593 stores. With our growing e-commerce presence, we are also the Philippine specialty retailer with the most diverse and extensive e-commerce offering. Our unique brand portfolio covers a wide range of specialty and lifestyle concepts, spanning the luxury, casual, and fast fashion, beauty, footwear, home, and restaurant categories.  Established in the 1980s, SSI has been at the forefront of the Philippine retail industry for more than 30 years. Throughout this time, we have sought to inspire and enhance the lifestyle values of our customers and to cater to the evolving tastes and aspirations of Filipino consumers. In response to the evolution of the retail industry, the company introduced "The Specialist," an At Home concierge service dedicated to serving its valued customers with their shopping needs. Customers may get in touch with SSI’s Customer Service team through any of the following channels to inquire about a particular brand or product:


Email: customerservice@ssigroup.com.ph
Telephone Number: 8-830-5000
Mobile Number: (0917) 552 9359
Facebook: facebook.com/SSILifePH
Instagram: @ssilifeph
Viber Community: bit.ly/SSILifePH