Halloween At Home
Don’t let the pandemic stop you from celebrating Halloween even if it's just at home. Dress up the kids in their favorite costumes, plan fun activities, games and prizes to still make it an eventful celebration even if it means Trick or Treating will be confined to the living room. Plus, taking a break from everyone’s online activities to prepare and participate this Halloween is a great bonding experience for the whole family. Here are some exciting Halloween offers from Hamleys, Lush, and Pottery Barn Kids to help you get everyone into that spooky mood:
Dressing up in costumes is always fun, especially for the kids. Pick from a wide variety of characters and themes of cute to creepy costumes the young ones will definitely love.
Pottery Barn Kids Baby Dinosaur Egg Costume
Pottery Barn Kids Glow-In-The-Dark Witch Costume
Pottery Barn Kids Star Wars BB8 Costume
Pottery Barn Kids Star Wars Darth Vader Costume
Batman Role Play Assortment, P599.75, Hamleys
Batman Role Play Assortment, P599.75, Hamleys
Add fun activities like making your own slime or playing card games to unleash your creativity and competitiveness. Don’t forget to prepare some prizes too!
Nickelodeon Crunch Slime Tub 500g, P999.75, Hamleys
Nickelodeon Make Your Own Slime, P599.75, Hamleys
Nickelodeon Rainbow Slime Tub 500g, P999.75, Hamleys
UNO Harry Potter, P399.75, Hamleys
Zombie Gotcha, P2,499.75, Hamleys
Goo Jit Zu S2 Herp Single Pack, P699.75, Hamleys
Goo Jit Zu S2 Herp Single Pack, P699.75, Hamleys
Goo Jit Zu S2 Herp Single Pack, P699.75, Hamleys
Harry Potter Doll, P1,899.75, Hamleys
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire Doll, P1,899.75, Hamleys
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Doll, P1,899.75, Hamleys
Harry Potter Ron Weasley Doll, P1,899.75, Hamelys
After a long day of festivities, extend the fun during bath time with these spooktacular soaps and shower gels from Lush.
Lush Very Very Frightening Shower Gel
Lush Boo! Shower Slime
Lush Ghost in The Dark Soap
Lush Lush Bewitched Bubble Bar
Shop for your Halloween needs with the help of The Specialist, SSI’s At Home Concierge Service:
Viber Community: bit.ly/SSILifePH
Email: customerservice@ssigroup.com.ph
Telephone Number: 8-830-5000
Mobile Number: (0917) 552 9359
Facebook: facebook.com/SSILifePH
Instagram: @ssilifeph